Tuesday, January 16, 2018


There was a very large multi-story building dedicated to a Halloween theme park, with many displays in different rooms on different floors. How it worked was that your group is given a particular goal to work toward, which has an alphanumeric name, like K196, indicating the floor and display number. Looking for the display sets you on a journey. Actors in the various displays will be willing to help you find your display. You can't ask the actors in other displays about the alphanumeric name, though; there are also hints about the nature of the display you're seeking in the brochure.

The person in our group was sure that the goal we had been given was either a mistake or a deliberate error, and would be impossible to find, because the way through the building we had to take was mostly abandoned and not totally safe -- no active displays and no actors, and some parts of the pathway not fully constructed. As a result, although he didn't want to totally give up himself, he kept intentionally losing group members by going too fast because they were better off starting over with a different group of people.

Every floor had a large tilted section, like an auditorium/theater with the chairs removed, which connected with other floors. This was the most elaborately decorated portion, with real animals put in and stained glass. I wish I should describe it a bit more adequately.

Anyway, once we found the right floor, which was actually the roof, there were plenty of actors around to ask. I was unsure who to ask because I didn't want to interrupt anything. One actor who wasn't going through their routine at the moment explained: "it's embarrassing; my co-workers all died" (her in-character explanation of the fact that they'd finished accruing out their story, which ended in their deaths, and were resetting things offstage). But I didn't ask her for help for some reason. Our guide was still pessimistic, but the first actor I did ask was able to point us in the right direction from minimal information, namely that a queen was involved in the display we were looking for. We were to head to the castle.

At this point I woke up.

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